InterLibrary Loan - You got a need, we got a lead. Through a system called OCLC, we can access billions of books, journals, magazines, musical scores, sound recordings - you name it. Check out to search this immense catalog. If you find it, call the library and ask to speak to Mary Gunn, our InterLibrary Loan Specialist. She'll put in an order and VOILA! You'll be getting your request in about a week! *
Study Space - You have a group working on a project or you are seeking an alternative to your classroom to mix things up, then come on in, we have plenty of space for you to work with!
Dinner for 30? - Did you know that the downstairs conference room is available for rent? Contact us and we'll put you in touch with Kris Daick, our facilities manager. With great views of Orchard Lake and nice acoustics, it's a good spot to host meetings and dinners.
It's NOT just about books! - January begins many fun events, including a Speakers Series and a Book Club. Jump into alternative forms of learning if books aren't your thing...from journals to the Internet, we have it!
* okay, sometimes it takes a bit longer than one week, but sometimes it takes less!
And our favorite bumper sticker this week comes from Wyoming: