Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Homilies: Websites and Resources

The librarians at the Maida Alumni Library all agree that it must take a lot of courage to prepare and present a homily. You have to be calm, speak slowly but with conviction, and you need to reach out to a wide range of parish members...from small children to the elderly.

We'll say it flat out: Nope, we couldn't do it.

But for those of you who do give homilies, or are learning to give homilies, here's the first installation in a three part mini-series highlighting resources (yes, we are doing a mini-series...we can't share all our hints at once). And FYI - the library has over 175 books dedicated to the topic of preaching and homiletics!

Catholic Homilies - http://www.homilies.com/
Audio and video of homilies as well as tips for specific types of homilies related to Holy Days and life events, such as funerals, weddings, etc.

ePriest - http://www.epriest.com/
ePriest features best practices of parishes around the United States and offers "Homily Packs" which provide thought provoking questions and comments on readings.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - http://www.usccb.org/nab/index.shtml
Weekly readings available at the click of a button - sponsored in part by the Diocese of Metuchen (New Jersey).

So much more to tell you about...Part II will focus on public speaking skills! Part III - the very best books and e-books on homilies.