Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Yes, that's right...through the power of the Internet, you can do anything. Well, that's not true. But there sure are a ton of online resources that try to show you how do a lot of things...

eHow - - How To Do Just About Anything!

How To Do Anything - - Not as comprehensive as ehow, but some of the topics are a bit, how shall we say...eclectic?

43 Things - - This site helps you figure out how to do things and even introduces you to people with interest on the same topic. A social networking/interest/support group.

Hey, we don't make this stuff up - we just tell you about it!!!

For those of you who want to do it the hard way...learn How Stuff Works first, and then just try to teach yourself how to do it:

And if you prefer to watch step-by-step instructions, try doing a search on YouTube - many Martha Stewart wanna-bes are making their own "Do-It-Yourself" videos and posting them online: - check out the great video we found on how to make lasagna.... - yum!

This weekend, members of our staff might try to make macrame pot holders and/or a hammock stand. :)